In a process-oriented and participatory exhibition, COVEN BERLIN – together with artists Yoav Admoni, Irene Fernández Arcas, Samantha Bohatsch, Laura Lulika+Hang Linton, and with visitors – creates a new medieval fantasy from a queer-feminist perspective. Galerie im Turm is transformed into BURLUNGIS, a swamp-like and moory landscape which serves as the fertile ground and stage for performative investigations into various constructs of the Middle Ages. Here, popular phenomena such as Live Action Role Playing and fantasy video games are looked at more closely; at the same time their artificial qualities and penchant for play are drawn on in order to generate new fantasies and untold tales.
The stage of BURLUNGIS is surrounded by Irene Fernández Arcas’ large-format drawings on canvas of medieval representations of known and unknown women*. Her flags and heraldry pay homage to non-binary Goddesses* and the feminine power, witches and dragons that are present in every being. The textiles form a staged world in which witchcraft meets healers and creatures, in which fantasy meets reality – remembering past and new lives. The paintings create an Altar, and at the same time a stage for performative imagination of creating another Medieval story. One in which we connect with our witch-self.
Her textile sculptures, a collaboration with Harley Aussoleil are bodies, ghosts, fire, and algae from the tortures of medieval time. Visitors are encouraged to make contact with their own bodies and surroundings to get comfortable and merge into the Burlungis boggy landscape.
Fotos: Linus Muellerschoen, Eric Tschernow, Judy Landkammer