On Saturday, March 16, Irene Fernández Arcas and Amanda Morelli invite you to a collective self-care session in her installation Hygiea's Cave - Temple of Collective Regeneration. An afternoon of sleeping, dreaming and exploring practices of caring for one another through shared conversations and special breathing and meditation exercises. Everyone is welcome to join in the daydreaming together.
Performance + Dialogue and closing ritual with Irene Fernández Arcas, Amanda Morelli and all participants Dreams and health - resilience instead of trauma. How can we move from "being sick and getting well" to "staying well"? After a period of meditation and rest, everyone comes together again to share their experiences. The artist sees dialog as the place where art is activated and where transformation can begin.
Welcome to this space
We heal through dreams
Que nos dijeron los sueños
What did the dreams told us
Si tu me cuidas tanto
Lo somos todo y lo somos todas
Diosa de la salud
Goddes of health
Que nada en la nada
Higyia asked me once
What is beauty,
What is health?
Ser mar
Al final solo nos queda ser mar
Altar a los sanares de los cuerpos
Altar to the healigns of the bodies
Celebrar la vida , transformar pena en risa,
crear junglas internas que se derriten en palmas
regenerar sanar, bailar
romperse y salir con mas fuerza
To break up and stand up
Wake up
Amo agua arte
crudo culo contradictorio
Emigrar furea familia feminismo grieta gris gratitud
harta historia jugar kilometros lejos lol lucha hoistoria
miedo no ñam ole pintar uqere rirsa sacrificio sol tiempo uh vida wow zi
Regenerar sanar descansar reflexionar romperse riesgo puta vida a ver niña ,
bilingue , bosque transofmrar risa reir de una misma , crear regenera
Thanks for calming our thirst for refreshing us and for being so comfortable we can dive both in the sea and in the rivers and laogs thank you for having you we need you.
El agua te da la vida te mantiene vivo si te falta te secas y tu vida se acabo para siempre pero el agua est aahi con los recuerdos de tu vida para siempre agradeciemoss al agua la vida y los recuerdos
The water is there with the memories
With the dreams
Hodling ourselves
Palabra inventada que significa:
Pintar de azul el alma
Pintar de azul la vida
Convertir en azul un sentimiento gris para transformarlo en aprendizaje
Fluir Dentro del mar
Fluir dentro del templo del agua
Sanar, compartir, crecer,
Nadar, regenerar,
Rezar a las diosas que son las amigas.
Conectar, vivir, sanar.
Aprender, curar, vivir.
Invented word meaning:
To paint the soul blue
To paint life blue
To turn a gray feeling blue to transform it into learning.
To flow into the sea
To flow inside the temple of water
To heal, to share, to grow,
To swim, to regenerate,
Pray to the goddesses who are friends.
Connect, live, heal.
Learn, heal, live.
Das Leben blau malen
Ein graues Gefühl blau färben, um es in Lernen zu verwandeln
Fuerza natural
No me falte al agua
Para atravesar tormenta
Cuando el sanar se azulecer
Natural strength
Do not let me lack the water
To go through the storm
When the healing blues
-And if the sea rushes me
And if the sea rushes me
No me falte el aire (no me falte el respirar?
Vuélvome a las cuevas marinas
Let me not lack the air (let me not lack the breath?)
Return me to the sea caves
Cuando el sanar sea azulecer
Fuerza no hay más esquinas
No me falte el aire
When the healing is blue
Strength there are no more corners
Don't let me lack the air
Hay que mirar pa´dentro
Cuando el vivir sea azulecer
We must look inward
When living is bluing
Para avivar el fuego
No me falte el aire
Mi voz sea la herramienta
Cuando el pintar sea azulecer
To stoke the fire
I'm not short of air
My voice is the tool
When painting is bluing
The futrures we dream
The futures we were
The future we are at
The futrures we dream
The futures we were
The future we are at
El futuro eramos
El futuro soñamos
I feel like a dream I feel like a sun
I feel like a birth with no worries at all
You can have it all
In return for everything
Architectures of healing
Arquitecturas de sanar
Walking dreaming sleeping towards
Sacred healing sancturareies
Montes de la Sierra
Piedras del mar
Pre incuvbaiton rituals
Mi color favorito
Healing is a pause
Imposed by ailment
Sleeping and dreaming in sacntuaries
Dreaminngs are our most familiar territory
The most common human capacity
Dreams is availabe to everyone
There was no priviledged dreaming
Now there is priviledged rest
Ocurring in sleep
Wichi become a trheshold between ilness and health
Sovereing healing territory where anuthing is possilbe
Incubation is privided for entire groups
Connecting my moments of inner piece from the past the future the now
My dream is about mpre taken care, selfcare for more mental and phuysical health. Please
A state of receptivity
As senses eolve into Dreamstate
estados de sueños Sueños que curan
open spaces for new connections,
Biological creativity
Lifes own inner power of transformation is available if allowed
allowing transformation
floating in the temple the weights have been lifted waters flows through slowly I can savour it
I can savour it
en donde el agua en la tierra es mas del 80 % y dentro de nuestro cuerpo, es la sensibilidad
Pero tambien caundo esa sensabilidad se transforma en sangre y sale del corazon
Es amor
I was somewhere like in a museum or an art academy,, actally it wsaent really clear but it was art related. I asw my best firend. She was weareing a l ong white dress with rose/red flows prints. It was flowing in the wind with every step. It was unusual because she never wears dresses. She only wore it as a child. She looked really hams
She looked calme. Maybe calme.